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What Are the Most Common Causes of Chronic Pain?

We all experience occasional pains and aches with sudden pain being a normal reaction of the nervous system to alert the body of possible injury. However, chronic pain is different from typical pain. With chronic pain, the body continues to send pain signals to the brain even after an injury heals. When left untreated, chronic pain can cause complications that limit mobility and reduce flexibility and strength.

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts a period of 12 weeks. The pain may cause a burning or aching sensation and feel dull or sharp. It may be intermittent or steady and comes and goes without any apparent reason. Pain treatment in Perrysburg, Ohio, is essential to manage chronic pain. Some of the most common causes of chronic pain are:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome that is characterized by extreme, prolonged weariness.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Fibromyalgia that causes widespread pain in the muscles and bones.
  • Poor posture and improper lifting and carrying of heavy objects.

Other common conditions include arthritis which is the inflammation or swelling of one or more joints. A lesser-known, arthritis-like condition is facet syndrome, which causes back and neck pain. This is caused by degenerative changes to the joints between the spine bones.

To manage pain, a team of experienced pain management specialists and therapists in physical medicine and rehabilitation in Ohio is necessary. An anesthesiologists may also be consulted to develop a comprehensive pain management plan.

If you or a loved one is struggling with chronic pain, we at Comprehensive Centers For Pain Management can help. We specialize in pain management in Toledo, Ohio, and treat a wide range of conditions. Please set an appointment to get started with treatment.


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