Hip, Buttock & Groin Pain
Hip pain can be a complex problem linked to the lower back and buttocks and with pain radiating into other parts including the groin. Common hip injuries include hip bursitis as well as labral tears in the hip joint itself.
Groin pain can be sudden onset, such as that of a groin strain or gradual onset with groin inflammation. Hernias and Gilmore’s groin type injuries should also be considered. Use the tabs below to view more detail on some of the most common causes of hip, groin and buttock pain.
Groin Strain
A groin strain is a tear of one or more of the groin muscles on the inner thigh. Symptoms include a sudden, sharp pain in the groin. Swelling and bruising may appear but not always in mild cases.
Osteitis Pubis
Osteitis pubis is more accurately known as pubic bone stress injury. Symptoms include groin or pelvic pain when running, doing sit-ups, and squatting which may develop gradually and be mistaken for a muscle strain.
Hip Flexor Strain
A tear of one of the hip flexor muscles, causing sudden pain at the front of the hip. Swelling or bruising may occur in severe cases. May be mistaken for a groin strain.
Gluteal Trigger Points
A trigger point is a tiny localized knot in the muscle. Trigger points in the gluteus muscles can cause pain and discomfort when sitting and running. Pain may radiate into the thigh and lower back.
Pelvic Avulsion Fracture
When a muscle contracts strongly and pulls a piece of bone away at its attachment. Symptoms include a sudden sharp pain at the crease of the buttock during exercise. There may be bruising and swelling as well as weakness in bending the knee or extending the hip.
Inguinal Hernia
This is a protrusion of the contents of the abdomen through the inguinal canal. Symptoms include pain in the groin during exercise and pain when coughing or sneezing. A bulge or protrusion in the groin area may be felt.
Hip Bursitis
A bursa is a small sack of fluid between a tendon and the hip bone. Inflammation and swelling of one of the bursae can cause hip pain which becomes worse during activity. Pressing in on the side of the hip may be painful.
Labral Tear
The socket the top of the thigh bone sits in is lined by a ring of cartilage called the labrum. A tear in the cartilage will result in symptoms of pain in the hip or groin. A clicking or locking of the hip joint as well as stiffness may be felt.
Piriformis Syndrome
Compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, resulting in symptoms of sciatica. Pain may be felt in the buttock area with symptoms radiating down the leg along the sciatic nerve.
Getting a Diagnosis for your Back Pain
If you have tingling, numbness, or pain in your back, see a doctor. He or she will take your medical history, examine you, and possibly perform tests. These may include X-rays, imaging scans, or blood tests. After the examination, the pain management doctors and pain management professionals at Comprehensive Centers For Pain Management will clearly explain to you the condition, possible sources of your pain and which pain treatment will help alleviate your pain along with possible courses of action and next steps.
Our providers will help determine the best course of action to help you with your lower back pain.