Abdominal pain is caused by a variety of different physiological problems and can be related to issues with the body’s musculature, organs, or deep tissues. Acute abdominal pain is often associated with cramping, bloating, piercing, or stabbing pain. It is oftentimes the result of injury or trauma to a specific location. Chronic abdominal pain is more prolonged. It is often associated with a throbbing, aching, or pulsing pain, and is usually the symptom of a chronic condition.
Abdominal pain is usually the result of either a disease, a chronic issue, or acute pain caused by injury to the area. It can be related to injury of the abdominal core and muscles surrounding the abdomen or of the deeper organs and tissues below the abdominal muscles.
While it is typically not serious, most abdominal pain can often be treated with exercise, diet, and fitness changes as well as treatments for cramping, bloating, and stomach acid reduction. In patients where the pain is a result of trauma or injury, medication management and interventional procedures can be combined with physical therapy to help address the problem.
Abdominal Pain Symptoms
- Sharp or stabbing pain in the region
- Cramping, swelling or bloating
- Stomach aches and throbbing
- Discomfort after eating/drinking
- Getting a diagnosis for your abdominal pain
- Bruising or discoloration
- Pain during stretching, bending, or reaching
- Heartburn or acid reflux
- Abdomen tender to touch
- Inability to keep food down or vomiting
- Difficulty passing stool
Chronic abdominal pain may arise from many contributing factors. Frequently, the cause for the pain is known and treatments by a primary care physician or gastroenterologist may be directed toward treating the cause and, subsequently, the abdominal pain. Patients with abdominal pain may then be referred to a pain management clinic for evaluation and treatment of their pain, whether from a known or unknown cause.
In more chronic conditions, such a chronic disease or certain types of cancer that cause abdominal pain, treatments like pain medication management and interventional procedures may be the only options to help control pain. It is important to note that these are not solutions, but methods for controlling pain levels to help patients complete the rest of their treatment programs. Comprehensive Centers For Pain Management will typically require a specialist’s diagnosis in cases of chronic pain, in order to determine the specific causes or conditions before proceeding with a comprehensive pain management program.
Abdominal pain can be a debilitating condition, whether from an acute injury or chronic disease. The specialists at Comprehensive Centers For Pain Management can help you control your abdominal pain issues and aid in the restoration of your functionality and quality of your life. If you are experiencing abdominal pain, and that pain is keeping you from completing treatment or enjoying your life, contact us today.